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Today, we’re addressing a topic that could turn any vacation into a nightmare – bed bugs.

With recent reports of an infestation in Paris.  They’re the unwanted stowaways that no one asked for, so let’s break down how to avoid them when traveling and what steps to take when you get home.

Firstly, let’s talk prevention.

The most reliable way to steer clear of bed bugs is to know where they’re likely to set up shop. This means inspecting your accommodations upon arrival. Check out those hotel room beds, folks! Not just beneath the sheets, but around the mattress seams, behind headboards, in couches, or even luggage racks – these critters are crafty and can hide in more places than you’d think.

When you enter your hotel room – Leave your luggage on a hard surface floor in your hotel room. Dont lay your suitcase on the chair, couch, bed or carpet. 

Bug-proofing your luggage is another wise move. Consider investing in bug-proof mattress protectors and luggage liners. They act as barriers that bed bugs can’t penetrate. Trust me, this isn’t your regular packing tip, but it’s an investment you won’t regret.

Be Cautious of Shared Spaces: Hostels and shared living spaces are notorious for potential bed bug infestations due to the high turnover of residents from different parts of the world. Always inspect beds and furniture in these types of accommodation.

Remember, even the cleanest hotels can have bed bugs, so don’t let your guard down. Following these steps will go a long way in ensuring that the only souvenirs you bring back home are new experiences and cherished memories, not irritating pests!

Clothing: Consider packing clothing and personal items into sealable plastic bags within your suitcase. This keeps your things isolated and reduces the risk of bugs hitching a ride back home with you.

Now, let’s say you’ve taken all the precautions, yet still end up with these pesky hitchhikers.

Here’s a handy guide for when you get back home.

Don’t bring luggage directly into your home:

Before entering your house, thoroughly inspect and vacuum your suitcases. This serves a dual purpose; not only do you eliminate potential stragglers, but you also get a nice clean suitcase ready for your next adventure!

Wash and dry clothes on high heat:

This tip isn’t just about keeping a clean wardrobe. High heat is lethal to bed bugs, so toss those travel clothes in the dryer immediately.

Inspect clothing and any purchased items:

Our fashionable finds and souvenirs could also serve as transport for these bugs. Be sure to give everything a good once-over before stashing them away.

Call in the professionals:

If you’ve found bed bugs, don’t hesitate to call a professional pest control service. These critters are hardy and difficult to eliminate without professional help.

Remember folks, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! So, keep these tips in mind before you jet off to your next destination. Happy travels!